Cyber Security Summit
19 September | 9:30 am - 20 September | 4:30 pm
‘Cyber Security Summit’ takes place on 19th September followed by a discussion on ‘Space: Competition, Risks, Resilience’ taking place on 20th September. Both events are being hosted at Plexal, Here East, London.
We are delighted to announce an exceptional list of participants for the Cyber Security Summit, including a keynote from Ms Wendy Noble Deputy Director National Security Agency (NSA). Expert contributors from both the US and the UK will be in attendance for this exceptionally important discussion, including:
Dr Afzal Ashraf Loughborough and Lyons Universities
Mr Gordon Corera Security Correspondent BBC
Lord Toby Harris Chair National Preparedness Commission
Dr Paul Killworth Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security OCSA
Professor David Mussington Executive Assistant Director CISA
Ms Wendy Noble Deputy Director National Security Agency (NSA)
Mr Mike Steinmetz Former State Cyber Security Officer and Homeland Security Adviser Rhode Island; Senior Adviser Cityforum
Mr Ollie Whitehouse CTO NCSC
Join us for what will be a remarkable day, with a focus on: Are we living in an increasingly insular and nationalistic world? What follows from this? What could destroy us? What are the priorities for protection? How can we get ahead of the game?
Public Sector places are complimentary – please register online. Sponsorship opportunities are available and private sector colleagues can purchase one of the very limited delegate tickets here: Cityforum2024 Cyber Security Summit – Cityforum
The following day focuses on a discussion of great current importance: Space: Competition, Risks, Resilience opened by Rt Hon the Lord David Willetts Chair UK Space Agency. The full agenda can be found here. Our excellent list of contributors include:
Dr Bleddyn Bowen Professor of International Relations University of Leicester
Dr Craig Brown Investment Director UK Space Agency
Dr Meganne Christian Reserve Astronaut ESA: Commercial Exploration Lead UK Space Agency
Mr Stephen Covington Strategic and International Affairs Advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe NATO (A NATO appraisal)
Ms Rebecca Evernden Space Director Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT)
Air Vice-Marshal Phillip Lester
Ms Zhanna Malekos Smith Visiting Fellow Carnegie Council US Global Engagement Program; Senior Associate CSIS; Associate Cityforum
Mr Howard Nye Chair RAeS Space Specialist Group and former President of the Society
Ms Debbie Strang Chief Operating Officer Founder & Director of SaxaVord UK Space Port
Major General Paul Tedman incoming Space Commander UK Space Command
Mr Mike Wardle CEO Z/Yen
Mr Peter Watkins Non-Executive Director UK Space Agency
Public Sector places are complimentary – please register online. Sponsorship opportunities are available and private sector colleagues can purchase one of the very limited delegate tickets here: Cityforum2024 Space Summit: Competition, Risks, Resilience – Cityforum